Tuesday 3 November 2009

Seasons Greetings, Atleast it feels like Christmas.

Recently as I'm sure most of you are aware, the recent Postal Strikes have caused alot of problems for alot of people, not only do I think the Royal Mail have no real grounds to base these strikes on, I also think it is an incredibly selfish thing to do. The main reasons for the strikes are pay issues, working hours and modernisation. Now I'm almost certain that nearly every business in the entire country, and every employee of all those businesses has one or more of these issues but do they throw their toys out of the pram? No, they continue working because they know it's happening to everyone.

As the media will lead you to believe we are in a recession, to which I can only say is "Scaremongering" at it's best by your Government to make you buy more useless tat to stop them rising Taxes even more, So with all these banks and businesses going under as it were why do the Royal Mail decided to strike now? Especially in the loathsome Christmas period.
It angers me to no end to think that more companies and small shops are going bankrupt and the owners are not able to live sufficiently purely based on not getting the deliveries they need, and all thanks to the Royal Mail. Personally I think they have shot themselves in the foot, the more they strike, the more money they loose and the more likely they are to fail as a business therefore leading to all of its employees losing their jobs.

I mentioned Christmas, yes it's that time of year again, although the Christmas period seems to be growing longer and longer, I'm pretty sure shops will be selling you rubbish for Christmas in June soon.
Christmas become as commercialised as Christianity itself and the entire Festive season is becoming less and less about family and more about how much money you spend on said family. Spend too much, they'll complain at you, spend too little and they'll be thinking it. The only thing I can truly look forward to at this time of year is the end of it. Yet another year has passed, is it me or is the human race slowing down to a stand still? What happened to us advancing our technologies? We've become victims of our own inventions.

Roll on 2010.



Anonymous said...

V for fucking vendetta

Anonymous said...

I think that you underestimate the population my friend, there are still some people wo think that Christmas is important. People have to learn how to resist the media, but alas people like to recieve objects often for no reason...

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more with the sentiment. Even were Royal Mail to be the only business suffering such ill fate, is striking justifiable then? Why is it that their perceived misery from their work environment should be inflicted upon us, the vox populi? If their solution to finding their job disagreeable is to take it out on the nation at large, to force a negative impact on the casual bystander until everyone notices just how very sad they are...well. Just how juvenile can adult behavior be before it becomes mental health related?

I suggest a second solution, as simple a substitute as a soul may select. Instead I propose the 'humble' masses of the postal service quietly rest their heads on each other's shoulders and just cry their sad eyes out until all their woe is cast out for all to see. In a way that won't bloody well ruin my day, or the day of anyone else.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the easiest way to settle this is driving a train full of explosives through Parliament.

Anonymous said...

Where are you? Come back....

Andrew Singleton said...

He doesn't seem to be coming back.

Come back V.

Anonymous said...

Please come back, V. :)

Renholder said...

Please, come back.